Friday, August 5, 2011

Girl Talk Girl Talk Girl Talk

I went to the Girl Talk concert in Canandaigua, NY, on Wednesday, and if you like to dance, you should have gone too. Really, just going to any Girl Talk concert is a real must. Girl Talk is actually a DJ, Gregg Michael Gillis, so the concert is basically just a dance party with confetti, balloons, and glow sticks. 

Some people have criticized Girl Talk since Gregg Gillis works off of computers, rather than traditional instruments, and mixes songs by other artists. I'm a believer that music is about the listener's experience as much as it is about the artist's musical talent, and trust me, the listener's experience is straight party :-)



  1. sounds interesting! glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I missed Girl Talk when he was here in Seattle a few months ago. I hope he comes back soon!

  3. I don't really know much about Girl Talk! I'm glad you had such a fun time though!
