I've always been lucky to be a person who gets a "runner's high." It's a very real thing. Basically running releases endorphins that change your mood, causing a "high." Read all about it in this
New York Times article.
Source: Times Union (view) |
While I've always experienced a runner's high, I've never experienced a runner's low... until now.
I think it started when I ran 8 on Sunday. It was a tough run in 80 degree heat. For the first time, I started walking at the end of the run. I walked for the last stretch, came home, drank water, and then finished up on the treadmill.
Ever since Sunday, every run has been a struggle. I've felt tired, lacked motivation, and my legs feel heavy when I run.
When I was preparing this blog post this morning, I Googled "tired runner" and discovered this
article on runner's low. Here are the signs of a runner's low:
- Decreased Physical Performance – yes
- Heavy Legs – yes
- Increased Resting Heart Rate – no
- Increased Susceptibility to Illness – no
- Chronic Muscle Soreness or Fatigue –no
- Slower Recovery – no
- Increased Perceived Exertion – yes
- Loss of Enthusiasm for Running – yes
- Change in Sleep Pattern – no
- Loss of Appetite –yes
So, I'm not sure if this will turn out to be a real runner's low, but it sure feels like it right now!
Has anyone else ever experienced this?
Well, I'm off to run 5 this morning. Wish me luck :-)